October, 18th 2011.
Ambassador Spasojević gave a lecture to the students of Hacattepe University in Ankara today. During the lecture, which was attended by over a 300 students, Ambassador Spasojević informed students and professors about the situation in the region, all aspects of bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Turkey, the process of EU integration and the current issues of international politics.

After the lecture, which lasted more than an hour, the Ambassador answered numerous questions from students and professors.
Ambassador Spasojević also met with the Rector of Hacattepe University, Ugur Erdener and Deans of the Faculties. During the meeting, they agreed that it is necessary to intensify cooperation in the field of higher education between Serbia and Turkey.
The State University Hacattepe, founded in 1967, with its 13 Faculties, 13 Institutes and 44 Research Centres and more than a 32,000 students, is one of the leading universities in the country.