April 12, 2013
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade of the Republic of Serbia H. E. Mr. Rasim Ljajić has met today in Ankara with the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Turkey H. E. Mr. Zafer Çağlayan and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina H. E. Mr. Mirko Šarović, which was the first Trilateral Economic Meeting between three countries.
It has been agreed that Minister Ljajić, Çağlayan and Šarović, during the Head of State Summit in May in Ankara between the three countries, would sign Agreement on Partnership, which would define detail steps of the cooperation between three Ministries, with the goal of enhancing the cooperation in the sphere of economy between Serbia, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Minister Ljajić has pointed out that this is only the first meeting in the series of similar meetings that are to be organized, and has expressed hope that the mentioned Partnership Agreement would be a good basis for enhancing of investments and overall economic cooperation between three countries. He has also said that in a month time, in frames of the planned Political Trilateral Summit in May, a business forum, which would get together businessmen from the three counties, should also take place.
Minister Šarović has underlined that today’s meeting was a step towards implementation of the conclusions from recently held session of the Joint Economic Committee between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He also noted that he has made plan with Minister Ljajić to jointly act towards Turkish Market, because Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina can accomplish more jointly than separately.