Sunday, September 8, 2024
Ambassador Jovanović hosted today, in the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ankara, the Serbian representatives of the volleyball world, the head coach of the men's volleyball team of the Republic of Serbia, Igor Kolaković, who will lead the men's volleyball club "Halk Bank" in Ankara, together with fitness coach Danijel Mišić. The visit was also attended by representatives of the new "Zeren SP" women's volleyball sports club from Ankara, coach Stevan Ljubičić and his associates Danilo Pejović, Arsenije Protić, Dobrica Šopalović and physiotherapist Marko Ninković.
On this occasion, in a friendly conversation with Ambassador Jovanović, they expressed their plans and expectations for work in the new spot clubs in Ankara, the will to develop good relations and further cooperation in the field of sports between Serbia and Türkiye.
On this occasion, Ambassador Jovanović expressed his readiness and openness for any kind of communication, assistance and cooperation to our citizens, with, of course, indispensable support for both our coaches and players in all the following matches.