Today, October 25, 2024, a meeting of Ambassador Aca Jovanović with representatives of the Association of Businessmen of Ankara Colleges, the president of the association Mehmet Ali Ertugrul and lawyer Hakan Cinar was held at the Embassy. Representatives of the association in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor R. Turkey created a project funded by the European Union, which aims to train young people aged 18 to 28. In the mentioned project, there are 90 participants who, during the last months, went through trainings, internships and received certificates for work in three areas: secretaries/personal assistants, cooks and salespeople. As this project had as its idea the greater integration of women in the business world, all the participants were women. As the last phase of the project, association is planning a trip abroad, specifically to Serbia, where a group of 50 women, together with their mentors, would visit certain institutions for a period of one week and become familiar with the work system in another country, which would further enrich their already acquired knowledge. Ambassador Jovanović welcomed this project and stated that he will give his full support in communication with the institutions that the Association plans to visit in Serbia. In a very meaningful conversation, they left as open possibilities for further business cooperation.